Ferrara Software Principles Pyramid

Bringing structure to an unstructured backlog

FSP2 - Concept


The Ferrara Software Principles Pyramid offers a guide that will help you to categorize tasks and weigh them against each other. Categories offered in the pyramid begin with the most critical of expectations of a software project to the least.

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image of spreadsheet


Example of how to use these concepts and how to communicate the results.

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Crafty products that let you reference the pyramid at your office, on the go, or on your back.

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Need. Why use the pyramid?

The Ferrara Software Priciples Pyramid provides an intuitive framework to prioritize a project into categories and to communicate those priorities to team members and stakeholders.

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Solution. Buy-in.

Team members want to be successful; stakeholders want return on investment. All of these goals rely on a successful development process. Part of that success is to meet the needs of the stake holders. Other parts of that success are related to the design and stability of the solution.

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Results. Mindset.

By applying these principles to every project, stakeholders and developers both begin to change their perception of what tasks should take priority in relation to other tasks. By agreeing on these priorities, all parties will have an agreement on where time and resources should be applied.

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